diesmal haben wir einen Gast geladen, dessen bisherige Karriere unter Umständen auch diskutierbare Stationen enthält, aber: waren wir denn nicht alle mal jung und brauchten das todesmutige Abenteuer? Die Rede ist von Ray Horton (Heidelberg/Seattle), eine der Stimmen von The Real Milli Vanilli und NANA!
Sein Management schreibt über ihn: Ray Horton was born in the german city Heidelberg, where his father worked for the US-Army. Quickly after his birth he went back to the States and grew up in Seattle/Washington, where he was already a little gospel star at the age of 9. He rememberes his first solo sing part at the choir very good and remembered, that all the people started to scream as he started to sing.Even today Ray’s voice got a great effect to the people. Ray's past in the music business goes back to The Real Milli Vanilli, in 1990, where he was a singer/rapper. After that, he was a member of the group Try'n'B (1992) which had some hits like "Sexy Eyes" and "Tell Me When It Hurts". Then, after doing some projects, Ray was in Toni Cottura's old Fun Factory guys in the new formation as Fun Affairs and sang on the phone-answer machine of Steve Browarczyk (who later became part of Triple-S and then CBM and was part of the Underdog Project producers) who was part of the "new" Fun Factory, too, and Toni was like "whoa! who is this guy" when he called him and heard the answering-message. (mehr...)
Fackelt also nicht lange und feiert mit Ray, Michelle und der Tuesday Night Show Band auf dem Boot - garatiert ohne Helau! 8-)
Kleiner Tip noch: wir werden in Zukunft wieder pünktlich anfangen (21.00) - seid also rechtzeitig da, damit ihr auch alles genießen könnt!
Bis denne,
Eure TNS-Crew!